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What is General Liability Insurance?

General Liability insurance, or GL, is a needed supplement to E&O insurance. GL is typically quite affordable and covers you for most of the exposures not covered under E&O, namely third-party bodily injury and property damage claims.

Covered Losses

GL covers you in case something accidentally happens like you step through a roof, drop a hammer on a homeowner’s had, or have a client slip and fall while on a premises used for your business. This coverage excludes damages arising out of a mistake made in your professional service (i.e. failure to inspect).


It is important to note that this coverage generally excludes damages caused while operating a vehicle (manned or unmanned). For motor vehicle accidents it is important to be sure that your business auto policy is in place to protect you in these incidents. For losses involving a drone, you can obtain an endorsement to your GL policy that removes that exclusion from your coverage. It is important to read all provisions of your policy and all endorsements to make sure you understand what is covered.

Drone/UAV Endorsement

CPLIC is happy to offer our members an optional Drone/UAV endorsement. This endorsement extends the protections offered by CPLIC’s General Liability coverage to include claims that arise from work performed using a Drone/UAV.


Technology is helping adjusters every day conduct inspections in ways that are physically safer. Make sure you are protecting your business as well by carrying the endorsements you need!