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How can I get more information on CPLIC, RRG?

Feel free to direct any questions to CPLIC Member Services at 1-877-572-7542 or by e-mail to memberservices@cplic.net.

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How do I get started?

Visit www.cplic.net/apply and receive your quote.  Or if you prefer, fill out the New Business Application Form and email it to memberservices@cplic.net. Be sure to include a copy of your current E&O declaration page, or if you currently do not have coverage, your business resume.

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Why should I join the CPLIC Group?

  • Limits from $500,000 to $15 Million
  • Deductibles from $1,000 to $50,000
  • Claims made and reported policies issued
  • General Liability written with same limits as E&O
  • EPLI available only to CPLIC, RRG members
  • EPLI Limits of $250,000 to $1,000,000, HR feature and 25% rate discount
  • Few Exclusions or Restrictions to Coverage (IE: no mold exclusion)
  • Security! CPLIC, RRG is re-insured through an A+ re-insurer
  • Manuscript policy providing broader coverage
  • Prompt response to pricing/claim issues
  • We provide Insurance Premium Financing options
  • No Charge for Certificates of Insurance
  • Generous Additional Insured Endorsement Allowances
  • Representation at many National and State Adjuster Associations

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Will I receive dividends from my investment?

When the Risk Retention Group was organized in 2004, policyholders were told that CPLIC , RRG’s goal was not to make money, but to protect our insureds with liability coverage specifically designed for claims professionals at the lowest cost possible. At that time, we said that after we built our reserves, any year in which we had a significant surplus of funds, we would reward you—our owners—for purchasing stock in our group.  CPLIC, RRG’s Board of Directors voted to pay CPLIC, RRG’s first Dividend in 2016.

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What will the individual investor be gaining?

We offer broader coverage with fewer exclusions, lower deductibles, and in most cases, lower premiums. But most of all, a perpetuating entity of claim professionals, run by claim professionals for the benefit of claim professionals.

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Who is eligible for coverage?

As a Risk Retention Group, CPLIC, RRG can reach out to qualified claim professionals everywhere in the United States.

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How does this work?

Simply, it calls for every insured to be an investor in CPLIC, RRG and every investor to be insured by CPLIC, RRG.

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What is different about this coverage?

The vehicle used to provide Errors & Omissions and General Liability coverage to eligible claim professionals is a risk retention group created under the federal Liability Risk Retention Act of 1986, as amended (“LRRA”).

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What is being provided by CPLIC?

Claim Professionals Liability Insurance Company, A Risk Retention Group. (CPLIC, RRG) was created by the National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters (NAIIA) to provide Errors & Omissions and General Liability coverage to all claim professionals who meet the underwriting criteria and will accept the risk management guidelines of CPLIC, RRG.

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Stock: Can I buy an Insurance Policy from CPLIC, RRG without buying Stock, or vice versa?

No. To be eligible as an insured, you must be a shareholder by purchasing at least one share of stock. Further, you cannot be a shareholder unless you are an insured of the Company.

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Stock: How Much Does a Share of Stock Cost?

The established value of the CPLIC, RRG Stock varies from time to time as so determined by the Company’s Board of Directors.  The price per share will be clearly stated at the time of the initial quote or policy renewal with CPLIC, RRG.

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Stock: Is the Stock Publicly Traded?

No.  CPLIC, RRG is “Insured Owned”.  The Insured comprise 100% of the Shareholders of the Company and Insured is entitled to voting rights and dividends as may e approved by the Board of Directors.

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