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What is Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)?

EPLI coverage is a type of liability insurance that helps protect businesses from claims arising from wrongful acts in the employment process.


Who should carry EPLI?

EPLI coverage is an essential coverage for anyone that has employees that work for their business. This coverage protects business owners from the high costs associated with claims that may be filed by employees against the Insured or by a third party due to the actions of an Insured.


Two primary types of coverages exist under most EPLI policies


Employment Practices Wrongful Act Coverage

Third Party Wrongful Act Coverage

This coverage applies to alleged wrongful acts, errors or omissions by an Insured against an Employee. This coverage applies to wrongful acts, errors or omissions by an Insured against a third party.

Examples of these acts
              • Discrimination
              • Harassment
              • Retaliation
              • Inappropriate Workplace Conduct
            • Disability Access Discrimination
            • Third Party Discrimination
            • Third Party Harassment


What is not covered under EPLI?

Examples of excluded losses are: intentional acts, fraudulent misconduct, wage and hour claims, any claim related to employee rights to unionize, claims related to OSHA