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Below is a diagram of how Claim Professionals Liability Insurance Company, RRG is organized, along with our professional service partnerships.


CPLIC Organizational Chart: Corporate Structure: Top level: RRG Policyholders and Shareholders Insurance Service Professionals Middle Level: CLAIM PROFESSIONALS LIABILITY INSURANCE COMPANY A RISK RETENTION GROUP, Bottom level is split in two: CPLIC RRG Investments, LLC - Investment services, 100% Wholly Owned Subsidiary; and CPLIC Member Services, LLC - Ancillary Policy Services, !00% Wholly Owned Subsidiary Professional Partnerships: Interwoven Claim Management Group LLC - Underwriting, Claims, Policy Services, Risk Management Advantage Insurance Management (USA) LLC - Financial, Regulatory, and Accounting Primmer, Piper, Eggelston & Cramer, PC - Legal & Stock Management Crowe, LLP - Audit and Tax Accounting Perr & Knight - Actuarial Smith, Shellnut & WIlson, LLC - Investment Management Head investment Partners - Investment Management Swiss Re Americas Corp. - Treaty Reinsurance up to $2M limit 75% first layer, 90% second layer Berkley Re - Facultative Reinsurance up to $5M limit 100% $3M xs $2M